Our projects

international academy “Zinder”

Educational platform "Zinder International Academy" we developed a platform to teach children from poor areas, expatriate children English and other foreign languages. Most of them do not have access to quality education in universities in poor areas.

The school of art and culture

“Whithout culture - will be no future”
L Zinder


We want to open horizons for children (poor and vulnerable) giving them a broader intellectually view of life, we believe on children and their future.

One poor family from village

He, recovered from a cancer that almost cost his life, she works the land for many years with her husband hambos collecting what it gives them, fruits that they sell once a week at a public fair.

This long marriage is in charge of his 15-year-old granddaughter who is the mother of a two-year-old baby.


Project of art “Art COVID”

In recent months, Chile and the world have experienced a unique period: one that will be analyzed and remembered

We decided to capture and preserve in artistic form real stories and impressions, everything that happened in the city and people.

We want to document the stories of different people and collect an archive of urban memories of the coronavirus in the form of different objects or expressions of art.


The school in favelas

Camps is a serious problem in Chilean society, there are currently more than 800 in Chile, people on the verge of poverty and despair are illegally seizing land on the outskirts of cities to build a camp to live there, houses made of improvised materials